Thursday, April 2, 2020

Get the Best Vehicle Storage Setup with Continental Car Hire!

Do you know that if you have been injured in any way from an accident that wasn’t your fault, you are entitled to compensation? Yes, you read it right you will be entitled to claim compensation. Continental Car Hire is there for you if you have been looking for a swift claim process without any hassle.

Because Continental Car Hire is a service-oriented company that assists people dealing with personal injuries. The primary goal of this company is to provide relief to people suffering from the agony of dealing unexpected injuries or to provide assistance to the ones who are entitled to make an accident claims in different scenarios such as road traffic accidents, work accidents, slip, trip and falls, sports injuries and whiplash injuries, etc. 


We assure you to provide the solution and quality service in case of the occurrence of the aforementioned injuries at your doorstep. The Continental Car Hire is the UK based entity responsible for administering the country's no-fault accidental injury compensation claims scheme that provides financial compensation and support to citizens, residents, and temporary visitors who have suffered personal injuries.

We are the sole and compulsory provider of accident insurance in the United Kingdom for all work and non-work-related injuries. The corporation administers the Continental Car Hire Scheme on a no-fault basis, so that anyone, regardless of how they suffered an injury, has coverage under the scheme. 

God forbid if you are injured in a motor vehicle accident and you claim on your insurance policy, the chances are that your insurance will go up. On a larger scale, the more claims you make the more your insurance will increase and so on.


If your claims history is protected then so is the cost of your insurance. And that’s where we came in. We at Continental Car Hire endeavor to save you money and protect your claims history by recovering the whole cost of your accident directly from the other party if you are not at fault. Whether you think you are at fault or not, let the experts decide and protect your interests.

These gems have developed an outstanding reputation for the quality of our services and exceptional customer care. Credit Hire Company UK has built great relationships with many Solicitors over the years and we will only recommend Solicitors that we know will give you the best service and will help maximize the compensation that you deserve.

Whether you have an ongoing claim with us or just simply require our help with an injury claim we are here to help no matter where you are in the country. We are here to assist you in the event of you suffering some form of personal injury or thinking of making an accident compensation claim.


Our main focus will be to provide from the agony of dealing with claim issues by providing convenient, reliable and quality solutions against unforeseen injuries and accidents occurred with the clients. 

Moreover, our approved accident repair centers are dedicated to overall quality and will ensure that your vehicle gets the First-class treatment in terms of Vehicle Storage and the quality motor vehicle repair you deserve. Here you get the service you would expect and from a professional company!